It’s never too early to start planning or as an old proverb says “Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter”. The recognizable phrase holds true for almost every situation — especially when it comes to operating your trucks in the winter time. Preparing for the colder season means getting things […]
Every year in the high snow region of the European Union, around 200 truck drivers get severely injured while removing snow from their trucks. During the winter months in regions with significant snowfall, snow and ice accumulate on the top of vehicles, which can then dislodge during travel. These chunks of snow and ice may […]
Joka talvi kuorma-autojen ja muiden hyötyajoneuvojen omistajat menettävät valtavia summia rahaa. Kuorma-autoilla liikennöinti on kallista. Yksi suurimmista haasteista on ajoneuvojen seisokit. Olipa kyseessä onnettomuus, tekniset ongelmat tai lumen poistaminen kuorma-autojen ja perävaunujen katolta, seisokkeja on vaikea välttää. Seisokkien aiheuttamat suorat kustannukset ovat korkeita talvisin alueilla, joilla sataa paljon lunta. Seisokilla tarkoitetaan aikaa, jolloin ajoneuvo ei […]
In today’s day and age, where there is a scarcity of fossil fuels, an increase in pollution, and global warming, we should consider taking steps that are fuel-efficient. By doing so, we can help reduce the damage that is being done on our environment. We are destroying our environment every day little by little by […]
During the winter months in regions with significant snowfall, snow and ice accumulate on the tops of all vehicles types, including straight trucks, intermodal containers, large trucks & trailers and busses, which can then dislodge during travel. These chunks of snow and ice may strike other vehicles, creating a safety issue that results in property […]
Every year during a winter season truck fleet and other commercial vehicle owners lose a huge sum from their account. To operate a fleet of trucks is expensive. One of the biggest challenges is downtime. Whether its an accident, technical issues, or a need to clean snow from the rooftop of the trucks & trailers, […]