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Day: July 20, 2024

Behind trucks: be aware of falling snow and ice behind a driving truck, automobile association in Germany ADAC warns

In winter snow and ice is expected on the rooftop of truck trailers, containers, buses, and similar commercial vehicles. Fines for not keeping your truck in accordance with road safety regulations In Germany, according to § 23 of the StVO (Straßenverkehrsordnung, or German Road Traffic Act), the driver is responsible for trucks’ good and safe conditions for […]

Commercial vehicles rooftop snow cleaning system is on the way to USA

Snowstorms and heavy snow fall have historically plagued many states, mostly those located in the Northeast and Midwest. Winter storms occur all over the country, but the “snowbelt,” stretching across the Great Lakes from Minnesota to Maine, receives the brunt of winter storms. Cities such as Buffalo, New York City, Milwaukee and large areas of […]

productivity of trucks

How to increase your truck fleet productivity?

It’s never too early to start planning or as an old proverb says “Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter”. The recognizable phrase holds true for almost every situation — especially when it comes to operating your trucks in the winter time. Preparing for the colder season means getting things […]

Truck drivers suffering from global warming

Can global warming affect truck drivers in winters?

“In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!” – Donald Trump So do we agree with what […]

Remove snow safely

Safety – a major concern for truck drivers

Every year in the high snow region of the European Union, around 200 truck drivers get severely injured while removing snow from their trucks. During the winter months in regions with significant snowfall, snow and ice accumulate on the top of vehicles, which can then dislodge during travel. These chunks of snow and ice may […]

Durasweeper-lumenpoistojärjestelmä poistaa lumen kuorma-autojen päältä ja säästää kuljetusyritykselle tuhansia euroja kuukaudessa vähentämällä seisokkiaikaa.

Durasweeper — säästä yli 100 000 euroa talven aikana

Joka talvi kuorma-autojen ja muiden hyötyajoneuvojen omistajat menettävät valtavia summia rahaa. Kuorma-autoilla liikennöinti on kallista. Yksi suurimmista haasteista on ajoneuvojen seisokit. Olipa kyseessä onnettomuus, tekniset ongelmat tai lumen poistaminen kuorma-autojen ja perävaunujen katolta, seisokkeja on vaikea välttää. Seisokkien aiheuttamat suorat kustannukset ovat korkeita talvisin alueilla, joilla sataa paljon lunta. Seisokilla tarkoitetaan aikaa, jolloin ajoneuvo ei […]

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