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How to remove snow from your vehicle

Snow and vehicles

The snow scenario in the winters

The cold breeze of winters are just the silver lining on the what comes next. It all starts from the white flakes falling down the sky and turning into huge debris of snow for months. As the month of December hits, most of the Nordic and Eastern European countries cover themselves from the white blanket of ice and flakes. As the days pass by, the layer turns thicker and its starts affecting the day to day life in a adverse manner.

According to the forecast by Farmers’ Almanac and Accuweather, 2018-2019 winter holds a very unpleasant thought. Higher snowfall, fast windstorms and huge amount of rain will foresee upon most of the countries in EU.  

The daily struggle of vehicle owners

The white layer of snow may look scenic for a moment but after a while its just vexatious. Roofs of the houses, chimneys, entrances, roads, highways and most prevailing on the roofs of the vehicles. All the cars, buses, trucks, vans parked during the night are covered with blocks of ice and snow. When the morning arrives, humans and machines all get together to remove the thick white layer off the vehicles. According to statistics, on an average people spend 27 minutes of their daily schedule in just removing the layers of ice and snow. Since there is no other option and with an average fine of 65 Euros on snow covered vehicles, there is a huge loss of time and money. Especially when more than one manual labour and huge machines are involved in cleaning big trucks and busses.

Various methods of Snow removal from vehicles:

To overcome this issue of deposited snow and ice, there are various available traditional and mechanical methods. Like,

  1.  One  way to proceed is to use a SnoBrum (creative spelling of snow broom) to pull, not push, the snow off the car or truck   in a straight line from the front bumper by extending your arm as far across the hood as you can. People tend to keep this   small tool in their cars and get on the removal process every morning. Cheap and efficient for small vehicles.

2.  In the case of huge vans and trucks, snow removal can be tedious process. One way or the most common one is by manual             labour and using powerful water pipes and scrappers.

3.  Other way in case of heavy duty vehicles is by using huge machines with brushes installed like the TrucBrush. But these                    machines are really expensive and requires an assistant to guide through the entire process. Also, the time involved in the               entire process is pretty high.

Best way of snow removal for heavy vehicles ( trucks and busses )

In order to save huge amount of money and make the process automatic, Durasweeper Europe provides the best snow and ice removal system. Meant for heavy vehicles like trucks and busses, the simple machine removes the entire thick layer in just few minutes. Most importantly, just by push of a simple button. Hence saving ample amount of time and money for the fleet owners and companies.

With the help of the rooftop snow removal equipment, it is easy to remove snow even at height of 5 meters. The trailer rooftop snow removal system is distinguished by its long-lasting characteristics and straightforward and ordinary maintenance.

So its almost time for winters and your trucks and busses are going need some cleaning. Go to : and get to know more about the product.


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